ex: 998407.O →日経平均株価 9984.T →ソフトバンク this app is “good" now, japanese language support is “wonderful" this app
ex: 998407.O →日経平均株価 9984.T →ソフトバンク this app is “good" now, japanese language support is “wonderful" this app
this is what i was looking for.. FREE.. im gonna buy it if pro version has real time stocks..
Great App. Its functional and easy to manage.
easy to manage and configure.
Don’t bother downloading the basic version. It does less than you can find online at any stock tracking websites. All you can do with the basic version is track and see a very basic chart of a few stocks. You can’t even track how many you personally own, you cant create custom charts, you can’t see StockTwits, you can’t draw on charts. Unless you’ve already planned to buy the pro version, don’t waste your time with the free basic version.
It’s great to see a company has finally realized the need for doing market research on Macs. The customer service is also very responsive, they will answer your questions if you have any via twitter or email. Very nice guys! Look at the new version that is going to be coming out on their site it looks like it will be twice as useful with the ability to add portfolios to the interface. I like to see that this company is actively developing the app and not just letting it go stale. This is a great buy anyway you look at it!
This App can literally do everything you could want to do with stocks. It makes everything so easy to analyze the exact stocks of your choice throughout the day and the process of setting everything up for yourself is so smooth everything just works great on this app. I am extremely impressed with all of the settings you can do with the on-screen ticker, you can set it up as if you have your own stock channel up on your computer at all times with shifting tickers of all your desired stocks. It provides you with all the basic information you could need on all stocks up to date. The free version does everything you could need but I think I am going to buy the plus version just to support the people who took the effort to make such a quality app. Thanks so much and you have no idea how appreciative people are of your great work. At least I am.
I got this app to be able to monitor current stock prices on my desktop during the trading day, but found that it is not in sync with the market. If it was out of sync by a minute or so, that would probably be acceptable, but sometimes it goes for several minutes without updating to the current price—not too useful for alerting me to trading situations.
I had to find a replacement for the Fidelity Market Monitor widget that is not working properly and I couldnt find support. This program is an excellent replacement. Its easy to use and easy to understand. Stock+ could be an outstanding program if available for an iPad/iPhone (and sync).
Do not update. Ticker is not showing in menubar after update on Yosemite
The version 2.6.1 is full of bugs. The app becomes unresponsive, very slow at times and mostly the navbar ticker occasionally crashes and leaves large translucent rectlanges on the screen making areas of my computer impossible to click.
How to make a worthwhile app into a sham by tweeking the fonts (can’t adjust size) and colors (obtrusive colors), and adding another layer the the menu which covers the data (worthless direction and pause keys) This is simply an update to get you to buy the Pro version where these items can be changed. If you do make the mistake I hope you have a backup of the 2.5 version.
This was one of my favorite apps, due to its simplicity. I could display the value of the single stock I was most interested in in the menu. That has been replaced by a ticker, and the constant scrolling is annoying. I’m hoping the next release will bring back the old display, but till then I will be seeking out a different solution.
This update is terrible. From a functional standpoint, the app disappoints because it crashes constantly and doesn’t save the display preferences. From an aesthetic standpoint, it fails because the developer ruined the ticker! Now it’s a giant, ugly font and an obtrusive ticker that’s difficult to customize. Why the developers decided to ruin the aesthetics and add extra layers of difficulty rather than simple functionality is beyond me. For example, why not add the option for a STATIC ticker that simply stays put rather than forcing me to let the ticker run and then pausing it at just the right moment? What about an option to display price changes in BOTH dollars and percentages? These have been requested for years, and yet this is the update we get.
This is a great app, simple, easy to read, and worked well. I installed the update and was surprised that everything I like (font, size, colors, ticker behavior) were all changed for the worse. I tried adding the “classic” template but it only improved the ticker slightly. I have backed off this version and back on 2.5. If you have the old version, do not update. If you want to try out the app, wait to see if they reverse the problems in a later update.
I have multiple Apple devices including an iMac and MacBook Pro. I updated to this version on my iMac and was very disappointed with the new font that is large and unattractive. The previous font was perfect for running in the Yosemite Task Bar in Dark Mode. It appears that if you want to have more options that are appealing (like the old version) you now have to pay for it. I have no issues with paying for addtional features, however in this case the previous free version was a better product and I am not willing to pay for what I had before.
I have enjoyed this stock ticker until they released an upgrade. Before the ticker had a dark background option, now you can only view something that is really light and difficult to see. I hate this app now and am sure they did it to try to get me to upgrade for 20 bucks. There is no way it is worth that.
The addition of the ‘classic’ theme, and the lower font sizes are much appreciated. This gets me back to the settings I have been used to - thanks!
Nice and simple, ticker across the top of my screen is cool. I refer to it throuhout the day without having to log in to my online broker.
If you’re not making enough money off this app, it’s because the difference between the free and pro versions is worth about $2.99, maybe $4.99, but DEFINITELY NOT $19.99.